Wednesday, August 03, 2005

6 Weeks

Yup, 6 weeks from today I will be boarding a flight to Japan. Of course that flight has been tough to pin down. For some odd reason United (and the other major carriers) post their one-way prices at around d0uble their round-trip fares. You are going half the distance, yet paying twice as much... does this sound like it makes any sense at all? No, no it doesn't. Oh well, I suppose I will just buy a round trip and throw away the return ticket.

My poster made it to Vancouver today, so they will be shipping it to my school pretty soon. Crazy, MY school. MY new place of employ. It still seems weird to think about. I get the feeling I am bailing out of the Library at just the right time, things are going to be getting progressivly worse, I think.

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