Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Photoshop is Fun!

Lately I have been doing a lot of experimentation in photoshop. More than just running photos through a simple filter, now I'm working on sandwiching, blurring, and of course a wee bit of color modification. Its tricky work, but a ton of fun. Most of my creations aren't suitable to show a soul, but a few have come out looking rather nice.

On another slightly stranger note, I had a bit o' chicken sashimi the other day. It was actually pretty good, despite how scary raw chicken sounds. Now all I need to do is track down that raw horse meat they serve in Kyushu...


羽之助 said...

Horse meat is good. Wait, maybe it was deer I ate. Never mind. The point is, sepia tones rock. Or lullaby, perhaps.

sam said...

I actually hear that in many parts of the world raw chicken is fine--i.e. they don't have salmonella. On the other hand, you might just be an aggressive eater.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid if I say "good job on those photos" He'll do more.....

Good job!! /hide

Anonymous said...

Trigger says "Naaaaaaay" on being et. The first pic looks a lot like Democrat headed to Cameron, through eyes in oxygen debt, or just in the instant the lightning hit.