Next stop was the Castle, and the light rain of earlier in the day had unfortunatly intensified. Honestly, it hasn't rained in weeks and you schedule a fun weekend and all you get is rain and cold weather. All I can offer is a hearty ARGH. Despite the drizzle the castle garden was beautiful, all fall colors and misty paths. The castle hadn't changed much since I was there a few weeks ago, but we did get some photos 'riding the dolphin.' On top of the castle are two gilded mythological dolphin creature things. The city is quite proud of them, to the point where the mascot is a golden dolphin, with legs. So of course inside the castle they have one that you can mount, and take pictures of.
Sunday night we met up with Jared, ate a ton of MOS Burger, and hit up ID Bar. ID Bar is a local club, has 4 floors each with a different type of music. At least on Friday and Saturday it has that going for it, Sunday Night it was hip hop only. I hate hip hop. Oh well a drink or two and you don't even notice the music! We had fun shimmy shimmy shaking it a bit, ended up getting home pretty late, or was that early? Poor Zach had a pretty good (bad) hangover when we wokeup later that morning, but I have already learned the lesson and was fine with the exception of lack of sleep. Lucky for Zach Miso-katsu proved to be perfect hangover food. It was a ton of food, and served on a steaming hot iron griddle. Greasy, filling, what more do you want in a lunch? After a spot of shopping it was time to part ways. We had a pretty good weekend, and I'm glad I was able to show somebody around Nagoya before I head to Kanazawa.
Sake Barrels at Atsuta. I'm blatently ripping off Lonely Planet here, they have a very similar shot.
Castle grounds
I like leaves. A lot. I really do need to stop taking pictures of them so much! Well most of them are gone by now, so that won't be a problem much longer.
Yeah, this is when Zach was still sober. Feel the fear.
Riding the dolphin! Thinking "eh take the picture already, I'm bloody bored!"
Nagoya Station from the top of the Castle. I found out that Nagoya Station holds the world record for largest station building.
What is this in my ear? Fire extinguisher foam? How'd that happen?
Don't mess with me when I got a castle to back me up.
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